Published: 2018-12-09

BIP9(Version Bits)

1 BIP地址


BIP: 9
Title: Version bits with timeout and delay
Author: Pieter Wuille <>
        Peter Todd <>
        Greg Maxwell <>
        Rusty Russell <>
Comments-Summary: No comments yet.
Status: Final
Type: Informational
Created: 2015-10-04
License: PD

2 原因和目的

BIP9通过对区块 version 语义的重新解释(按bit位而不是数字),提出了一种部署soft-fork的方法,使得多个fork可以同时进行。

BIP34提供了一种soft-fork升级的机制,矿工通过在挖出的区块的version数字的大小来表明是否支持某一改变。 但是这种机制只能同时支持一个改动,这就需要不同的提案之间互相配合。 此外,BIP34通过比较 nVersion >= 2 的方式,每一次改变,可选的version集就会越来越少。

BIP9通过将version解释称bits,每一个bit代表着一个改动。每个soft fork也分为 DEFINED, STARTED, LOCKED_IN, ACTIVE, FAILED 等不同的阶段。矿工通过在挖出的区块的相应bit位设置1来表明对soft-fork的支持。 当在一个区间内有超过一定比例的区块支持soft-fork则表示该soft-fork进入active阶段。

3 细节

3.1 soft-fork参数


  1. name: 对此次soft-fork的简述
  2. bit: 采用0-28哪一个bit位来部署
  3. starttime: 该bit位表示该soft-fork含义开始的时间(MTP),一般设置为大约包含该soft-fork软件发布后的一个月
  4. timeout: 到什么时候,该soft-fork被认为失败(到该时间的block还没进入 LOCKED_IN 状态),一般是starttime后一年

3.2 状态


  1. DEFINED: 每个soft-fork开始的状态
  2. STARTED: starttime之前的时间的block状态
  3. LOCKED_IN: 包含 STARTED 的retarget period之后的retarget peroid, 如果该retarget peroid里,支持该soft-fork(通过设置对于的version bit)的区块达到临界值,那么对于该soft-fork,blocks进入 LOCKED_IN 状态
  4. ACTIVE: 包含 LOCKED_IN 的retarget period之后的所有blocks,该soft-fork进入 ACTIVE 状态
  5. FAILED: 如果有retarget peroid超过timeout时间, 该没有进入 LOCKED_IN 状态,那么进入 FAILED 状态



什么是retarget period呢?对于bitcoin mainnet来说,从genesis block开始,每2016个blocks看作一个retarget period。

如何计算对于某一 soft-fork 的block的state?

对于genesis block,总是 DEFINED

对于在同一retarget peroid的blocks( floor(block1.height / 2016) = floor(block2.height / 2016) )来说,状态是一样的:

if ((block.height % 2016) != 0) {
    return GetStateForBlock(block.parent);


3.3 bit位

Block中的version字段被解释为32位的小端数字,bit位是通过 1<<N 来判定的。 前3位为001,010和011留作后续升级使用。如果version不是以001开始的话,它被当作所有bits都是0

由于开头是001,所以32位的version值的范围为[0x20000000, 0x3fffffff]

4 相关实现


用一个 thresholdConditionChecker 接口将要检查的soft fork相关抽象出来

// thresholdConditionChecker provides a generic interface that is invoked to
// determine when a consensus rule change threshold should be changed.
type thresholdConditionChecker interface {
        // BeginTime returns the unix timestamp for the median block time after
        // which voting on a rule change starts (at the next window).
        BeginTime() uint64

        // EndTime returns the unix timestamp for the median block time after
        // which an attempted rule change fails if it has not already been
        // locked in or activated.
        EndTime() uint64

        // RuleChangeActivationThreshold is the number of blocks for which the
        // condition must be true in order to lock in a rule change.
        RuleChangeActivationThreshold() uint32

        // MinerConfirmationWindow is the number of blocks in each threshold
        // state retarget window.
        MinerConfirmationWindow() uint32

        // Condition returns whether or not the rule change activation condition
        // has been met.  This typically involves checking whether or not the
        // bit associated with the condition is set, but can be more complex as
        // needed.
        Condition(*blockNode) (bool, error)


// deploymentChecker provides a thresholdConditionChecker which can be used to
// test a specific deployment rule.  This is required for properly detecting
// and activating consensus rule changes.
type deploymentChecker struct {
        deployment *chaincfg.ConsensusDeployment
        chain      *BlockChain

// Ensure the deploymentChecker type implements the thresholdConditionChecker
// interface.
var _ thresholdConditionChecker = deploymentChecker{}

// BeginTime returns the unix timestamp for the median block time after which
// voting on a rule change starts (at the next window).
// This implementation returns the value defined by the specific deployment the
// checker is associated with.
// This is part of the thresholdConditionChecker interface implementation.
func (c deploymentChecker) BeginTime() uint64 {
        return c.deployment.StartTime

// EndTime returns the unix timestamp for the median block time after which an
// attempted rule change fails if it has not already been locked in or
// activated.
// This implementation returns the value defined by the specific deployment the
// checker is associated with.
// This is part of the thresholdConditionChecker interface implementation.
func (c deploymentChecker) EndTime() uint64 {
        return c.deployment.ExpireTime

// RuleChangeActivationThreshold is the number of blocks for which the condition
// must be true in order to lock in a rule change.
// This implementation returns the value defined by the chain params the checker
// is associated with.
// This is part of the thresholdConditionChecker interface implementation.
func (c deploymentChecker) RuleChangeActivationThreshold() uint32 {
        return c.chain.chainParams.RuleChangeActivationThreshold

// MinerConfirmationWindow is the number of blocks in each threshold state
// retarget window.
// This implementation returns the value defined by the chain params the checker
// is associated with.
// This is part of the thresholdConditionChecker interface implementation.
func (c deploymentChecker) MinerConfirmationWindow() uint32 {
        return c.chain.chainParams.MinerConfirmationWindow

// Condition returns true when the specific bit defined by the deployment
// associated with the checker is set.
// This is part of the thresholdConditionChecker interface implementation.
func (c deploymentChecker) Condition(node *blockNode) (bool, error) {
        conditionMask := uint32(1) << c.deployment.BitNumber
        version := uint32(node.version)
        return (version&vbTopMask == vbTopBits) && (version&conditionMask != 0),


// thresholdState returns the current rule change threshold state for the block
// AFTER the given node and deployment ID.  The cache is used to ensure the
// threshold states for previous windows are only calculated once.
// This function MUST be called with the chain state lock held (for writes).
func (b *BlockChain) thresholdState(prevNode *blockNode, checker thresholdConditionChecker, cache *thresholdStateCache) (ThresholdState, error) {
        // The threshold state for the window that contains the genesis block is
        // defined by definition.
        confirmationWindow := int32(checker.MinerConfirmationWindow())
        if prevNode == nil || (prevNode.height+1) < confirmationWindow {
                return ThresholdDefined, nil

        // Get the ancestor that is the last block of the previous confirmation
        // window in order to get its threshold state.  This can be done because
        // the state is the same for all blocks within a given window.
        prevNode = prevNode.Ancestor(prevNode.height -

        // Iterate backwards through each of the previous confirmation windows
        // to find the most recently cached threshold state.
        var neededStates []*blockNode
        for prevNode != nil {
                // Nothing more to do if the state of the block is already
                // cached.
                if _, ok := cache.Lookup(&prevNode.hash); ok {

                // The start and expiration times are based on the median block
                // time, so calculate it now.
                medianTime := prevNode.CalcPastMedianTime()

                // The state is simply defined if the start time hasn't been
                // been reached yet.
                if uint64(medianTime.Unix()) < checker.BeginTime() {
                        cache.Update(&prevNode.hash, ThresholdDefined)

                // Add this node to the list of nodes that need the state
                // calculated and cached.
                neededStates = append(neededStates, prevNode)

                // Get the ancestor that is the last block of the previous
                // confirmation window.
                prevNode = prevNode.RelativeAncestor(confirmationWindow)

        // Start with the threshold state for the most recent confirmation
        // window that has a cached state.
        state := ThresholdDefined
        if prevNode != nil {
                var ok bool
                state, ok = cache.Lookup(&prevNode.hash)
                if !ok {
                        return ThresholdFailed, AssertError(fmt.Sprintf(
                                "thresholdState: cache lookup failed for %v",

        // Since each threshold state depends on the state of the previous
        // window, iterate starting from the oldest unknown window.
        for neededNum := len(neededStates) - 1; neededNum >= 0; neededNum-- {
                prevNode := neededStates[neededNum]

                switch state {
                case ThresholdDefined:
                        // The deployment of the rule change fails if it expires
                        // before it is accepted and locked in.
                        medianTime := prevNode.CalcPastMedianTime()
                        medianTimeUnix := uint64(medianTime.Unix())
                        if medianTimeUnix >= checker.EndTime() {
                                state = ThresholdFailed

                        // The state for the rule moves to the started state
                        // once its start time has been reached (and it hasn't
                        // already expired per the above).
                        if medianTimeUnix >= checker.BeginTime() {
                                state = ThresholdStarted

                case ThresholdStarted:
                        // The deployment of the rule change fails if it expires
                        // before it is accepted and locked in.
                        medianTime := prevNode.CalcPastMedianTime()
                        if uint64(medianTime.Unix()) >= checker.EndTime() {
                                state = ThresholdFailed

                        // At this point, the rule change is still being voted
                        // on by the miners, so iterate backwards through the
                        // confirmation window to count all of the votes in it.
                        var count uint32
                        countNode := prevNode
                        for i := int32(0); i < confirmationWindow; i++ {
                                condition, err := checker.Condition(countNode)
                                if err != nil {
                                        return ThresholdFailed, err
                                if condition {

                                // Get the previous block node.
                                countNode = countNode.parent

                        // The state is locked in if the number of blocks in the
                        // period that voted for the rule change meets the
                        // activation threshold.
                        if count >= checker.RuleChangeActivationThreshold() {
                                state = ThresholdLockedIn

                case ThresholdLockedIn:
                        // The new rule becomes active when its previous state
                        // was locked in.
                        state = ThresholdActive

                // Nothing to do if the previous state is active or failed since
                // they are both terminal states.
                case ThresholdActive:
                case ThresholdFailed:

                // Update the cache to avoid recalculating the state in the
                // future.
                cache.Update(&prevNode.hash, state)

        return state, nil


Author: Nisen
