最近在看grin的介绍,沿着Confidential Transaction了解到Borromean Ring Signature,对于该环形签名是如何设计的比较感兴趣, 阅读了论文和介绍CT的文章里也介绍了Borromean环形签名,对于其中一些步骤仍然有些模糊,之后研究了这篇文章作者写的一个python的示例(我看代码时添加了一些注释便于理解,可以参见这里), 才明白了当中的设计。由于我也是初入门,哪里有理解错的地方,欢迎与我联系探讨。
def get_kG(e, P, s=None): '''Use EC operation: kG = sG +eP. If s (signature) is not provided, it is generated randomly and returned. e - hash value, 32 bytes binary P - verification pubkey s - 32 bytes binary''' if not s: s = os.urandom(32) #随机生成s sG = btc.fast_multiply(btc.G, btc.decode(s, 256)) # s*G eP = btc.fast_multiply(P, btc.decode(e, 256)) # e*P return (btc.fast_add(sG, eP), s) # return kG = sG +eP, And random s
def borr_hash(m, pubkey, i, j, is_pubkey=True): '''A Sha256 hash of data in the standard 'borromean' format. Note that 'pubkey' is the value kG as according to kG = sG - eP. i,j : the indices to a specific vertex in the graph. m - the message to be hashed. Returns - the hash. ''' # little hack assuming sizes < 256 p = btc.encode_pubkey(pubkey, 'bin_compressed') if is_pubkey else pubkey x = p + m + '\x00' * 3 + chr(i) + '\x00' * 3 + chr(j) return sha256(x).digest()
# 这里对应于论文里的 "Compute M as the hash of the message to be signed and the set of verification keys." def get_sig_message(m, vks): '''The full message is a sha256 hash of the message string concatenated with the compressed binary format of all of the verification keys.''' full_message = m for loop in vks: for p in vks[loop]: full_message += btc.encode_pubkey(p, 'bin_compressed') return sha256(full_message).digest()
to_be_hashed = btc.encode_pubkey(kGend, 'bin_compressed') + ... + M # 所有的kGend相加再加上M e0 = sha256(to_be_hashed).digest() # e0 是 每个ring最后一个计算出来的kG加上M计算出来: sha256( kG+kG+...+kG +M)
e[i][0] = borr_hash(M, e0, i, 0, is_pubkey=False)