Published: 2019-08-26




基于git代码版本: release/1.8

Table of Contents

1 core

1.1 tx_pool





1.1.1 交易池配置

交易池配置 {struct} TxPoolConfig, 可以在geth启动时通过参数配置。






1.1.2 交易池执行逻辑

  1. TODO 交易池结构
  2. 新建交易池和启动交易池
    1. 初始化TxPool结构
    2. 判断是否开启本地交易存储,如果开启了则加载之前存储在文件中的交易池交易
    3. 订阅区块头事件
    4. 开启事件循环loop
       4.1. 接收到新交易(ChainHeadEvent): 将交易池中已经不符合要求的交易删除并更新整理交易
       4.2. 由于系统停止导致的取消事件:直接返回
       4.3. 每8s一次的交易池状况log
       4.4. 每1分钟一次的移除不活跃地址的交易
       4.5. 定时存储交易池内容到文件(如果开启的话)
  3. 接受新的交易时的处理







  4. 如何验证交易
    1. size <= 32M
    2. value >= 0
    3. tx.Gas <= pool的最大Gas
    4. tx正确签名
    5. remote交易的gasPrice 大于等于 pool设置的最低gasPrice
    6. 交易的Nonce大于pool目前保存的Nonce
    7. 交易的Cost(value + GasPrice * GasLimit) 小于等于 发送者账户余额
    8. 交易设置的GasLimit要大于其数据需要的Gas
  5. 交易池如何添加交易
    1. 排除已有的交易和无效的交易
    2. 如果交易池交易数量超过配置的数量,那么比较GasPrice,移除低的。如果加入的这个交易是最低的,则遗弃该交易
    3. 如果pending交易中存在同一个发送者而且nonce相同的交易,根据GasPrice上调比例判断包里哪一个
    4. 其它情况将交易添加到non-executable队列
    5. 如果是local交易,则对发送者添加标记
    6. journal里记录该交易
  6. 交易池如何调整交易所处对队列


    1.对于每个accounts里的addr, 首先遍历non-executable队列,移除不合要求的:
      1.小于 该地址目前nonce 的交易
    2. 然后从addr的目前的nonce开始,依次取出递增的tx,然后执行promoteTx操作,放到executable 队列
    3. 对于每个地址而言,如果non-executable队列里交易数量超过配置的,那么移除它们
    // spamers :  []  (有序队列,收集了所有账户的txlist超过配置的addr,按照txlist数量排序)
    // offenders: []
    // 当pending不达标 而且 spammers有元素: 【根据offenders里最后一个txlist长度删减offenders里之前的txlist,每一轮减一个,直到达到要求或者最后一个txlist不是最少的】
    // 每次从spammers里pop一个,然后添加到offenders里。当offenders里元素至少两个时候的时候:
    // 以offenders里最后一个addr的txlist数量为threshold,
    // 第offenders的第0个到倒数第二个,每个的txlist移除一个tx,再看pending是否达到要求,或者倒数第二个的txlist数量不超过threshold
    // 当pending不达标, spammers没元素里,但offenders里还有元素的时候:
    // 当offenders里最后一个txlist长度还超过配置的accountSlots长度时(这代表着,offenders里所有的addr的txlist都超过配置的accountSlots)
    // 每个offender的txlist移除一个tx
    // 再检查pending看看还要不要再来一轮删除






1.2 tx_journal



1.3 state 状态管理

{struct}Account 表示了一个以太坊账户(外部账户和合约账户) An account is a mapping between address and account state.

// Account is the Ethereum consensus representation of accounts.
// These objects are stored in the main account trie.
type Account struct {
        Nonce    uint64
        Balance  *big.Int
        Root     common.Hash // merkle root of the storage trie  stateRootHash
        CodeHash []byte   // CodeHash

{struct}stateObject 是对 {struct}Account 的封装,底层指向{struct}Account, 添加了对账户操作时,添加操作日志(便于回退状态), 添加了数据持久存储的支持(引入trie结构,trie结构通过{struct}Database与其交互),而且添加了操作缓存支持,

{struct}StateDB管理所有的账户(通过stateObject),一般是根据账户地址来对账户进行操作, 比如获取、修改余额、Nonce、Code、storage,创建或者删除账户,对整个statedb的快照以及回退等等。

{struct}ManagedState 则是对{struct}StateDB的封装,添加并发控制等

{struct}journal 记录了对账户的操作。 包括如下操作:

type (
        // Changes to the account trie.
        createObjectChange struct {
                account *common.Address
        resetObjectChange struct {
                prev *stateObject
        suicideChange struct {
                account     *common.Address
                prev        bool // whether account had already suicided
                prevbalance *big.Int

        // Changes to individual accounts.
        balanceChange struct {
                account *common.Address
                prev    *big.Int
        nonceChange struct {
                account *common.Address
                prev    uint64
        storageChange struct {
                account       *common.Address
                key, prevalue common.Hash
        codeChange struct {
                account            *common.Address
                prevcode, prevhash []byte

        // Changes to other state values.
        refundChange struct {
                prev uint64
        addLogChange struct {
                txhash common.Hash
        addPreimageChange struct {
                hash common.Hash
        touchChange struct {
                account   *common.Address
                prev      bool
                prevDirty bool

1.3.1 TODO {struct}cachingDB {struct}cachedTire

当前有两种类型的 DB 实现了 Database 接口, 轻节点使用的 odrDatabase ,和正常节点端使用的带有缓存的 cachingDB 。

因为轻节点并不存储数据,需要通过向其他节点查询来获得数据,而 odrDatabase 就是这种数据读取方式的封装。

一个普通节点已内置 levelDB,为了提高读写性能,使用 cachingDB 对其进行一次封装。

core/state/database.go 下面定义了 Trie的接口。

而在 trie/trie.go 里面定义了 Trie的实现。 trie

1.4 asm


1.词法解析{struct}lexer 2.词法单元{struct}token

  1. 编译器{struct}compiler
  2. 此外还有个不断迭代指令的{struct}instructionIterator.

1.5 vm

1.5.1 结构


  1. evm的基础对象 {struct}EVM 和 对应的环境 {struct}Context
  2. {interface}Interpreter 和 对应实现 {struct}EVMInterpreter
  3. 表示合约和调用参数的 {struct}Contract
  4. vm里的操作码 {type}OpCode
  5. 内存 {struct}Memory
  6. {struct}Stack
  7. Opcode绑定具体的执行函数,gas消耗函数,stack验证函数,需要的内存数量,执行的结果状态等等 便成了 {struct}operation
  8. 以太坊不同阶段的op消耗的gas表 {struct}GasTable[TODO 看起来没有]
  9. {interface}StateDB 是对于evm执行所需要的存储的封装,实际上会采用core/state/ 里的{struct}StateDB来具体化。
  10. TODO JumpTable?

1.5.2 TODO 方法


{struct}EVM的 Call, CallCode, DelegateCall, StaticCall,这几个方法的实现类似,功能也类似:


// CallCode differs from Call in the sense that it executes the given address'
// code with the caller as context.

// DelegateCall differs from CallCode in the sense that it executes the given address'
// code with the caller as context and the caller is set to the caller of the caller.

// StaticCall executes the contract associated with the addr with the given input
// as parameters while disallowing any modifications to the state during the call.
// Opcodes that attempt to perform such modifications will result in exceptions
// instead of performing the modifications.

上面这些方法都调用了 run方法来执行,run方法的核心是调用EVM绑定的解释器的Run方法。

{struct}EVMInterpreter 的run方法,定义了执行合约调用的逻辑。 除去一些正确性检查大体逻辑如下:

从合约获取下一个opcode,转化成operation,新建memory, stack。 检查stack,检查readonly,计算所需memory-size,计算所需gas,执行operation, 根据执行结果判断是否继续获取下一个opcode

2 TODO trie

2.0.1 结构

{struct}Trie: Merkle Patricia Trie

{struct}Database: trie结构和磁盘存储的中间层,来将对trie的修改隔一段时间收集起来再写到磁盘上。

{interface}node: trie上的节点

{struct}fullNode, {struct}shortNode, {struct}hashNode, {struct}valueNode: 这些是MPT上的不同类型的节点,实现了{interface}node.

{struct}SecureTrie: 对{struct}Trie的封装,将所有访问的操作的key进行了hash(keccak256)再访问,目的是防止创建过长的node链导致访问时间变长。


// Sync is the main state trie synchronisation scheduler, which provides yet
// unknown trie hashes to retrieve, accepts node data associated with said hashes
// and reconstructs the trie step by step until all is done.

3 accounts

3.1 accounts包


3.1.1 结构


// Account represents an Ethereum account located at a specific location defined
// by the optional URL field.
type Account struct {
        Address common.Address `json:"address"` // Ethereum account address derived from the key
        URL     URL            `json:"url"`     // Optional resource locator within a backend


// URL represents the canonical identification URL of a wallet or account.
// It is a simplified version of url.URL, with the important limitations (which
// are considered features here) that it contains value-copyable components only,
// as well as that it doesn't do any URL encoding/decoding of special characters.
// The former is important to allow an account to be copied without leaving live
// references to the original version, whereas the latter is important to ensure
// one single canonical form opposed to many allowed ones by the RFC 3986 spec.
// As such, these URLs should not be used outside of the scope of an Ethereum
// wallet or account.
type URL struct {
        Scheme string // Protocol scheme to identify a capable account backend
        Path   string // Path for the backend to identify a unique entity

{interface}Wallet表示一个软件或者硬件钱包,用来管理一个或者一组从同一种子衍生的账户({interface}Account). 接口定义了了一个钱包应该有的方法,比如打开、关闭、查询状态、返回包含的账户、交易签名等

// Wallet represents a software or hardware wallet that might contain one or more
// accounts (derived from the same seed).
type Wallet interface {
        // URL retrieves the canonical path under which this wallet is reachable. It is
        // user by upper layers to define a sorting order over all wallets from multiple
        // backends.
        URL() URL

        // Status returns a textual status to aid the user in the current state of the
        // wallet. It also returns an error indicating any failure the wallet might have
        // encountered.
        Status() (string, error)

        // Open initializes access to a wallet instance. It is not meant to unlock or
        // decrypt account keys, rather simply to establish a connection to hardware
        // wallets and/or to access derivation seeds.
        // The passphrase parameter may or may not be used by the implementation of a
        // particular wallet instance. The reason there is no passwordless open method
        // is to strive towards a uniform wallet handling, oblivious to the different
        // backend providers.
        // Please note, if you open a wallet, you must close it to release any allocated
        // resources (especially important when working with hardware wallets).
        Open(passphrase string) error

        // Close releases any resources held by an open wallet instance.
        Close() error

        // Accounts retrieves the list of signing accounts the wallet is currently aware
        // of. For hierarchical deterministic wallets, the list will not be exhaustive,
        // rather only contain the accounts explicitly pinned during account derivation.
        Accounts() []Account

        // Contains returns whether an account is part of this particular wallet or not.
        Contains(account Account) bool

        // Derive attempts to explicitly derive a hierarchical deterministic account at
        // the specified derivation path. If requested, the derived account will be added
        // to the wallet's tracked account list.
        Derive(path DerivationPath, pin bool) (Account, error)

        // SelfDerive sets a base account derivation path from which the wallet attempts
        // to discover non zero accounts and automatically add them to list of tracked
        // accounts.
        // Note, self derivaton will increment the last component of the specified path
        // opposed to decending into a child path to allow discovering accounts starting
        // from non zero components.
        // You can disable automatic account discovery by calling SelfDerive with a nil
        // chain state reader.
        SelfDerive(base DerivationPath, chain ethereum.ChainStateReader)

        // SignHash requests the wallet to sign the given hash.
        // It looks up the account specified either solely via its address contained within,
        // or optionally with the aid of any location metadata from the embedded URL field.
        // If the wallet requires additional authentication to sign the request (e.g.
        // a password to decrypt the account, or a PIN code o verify the transaction),
        // an AuthNeededError instance will be returned, containing infos for the user
        // about which fields or actions are needed. The user may retry by providing
        // the needed details via SignHashWithPassphrase, or by other means (e.g. unlock
        // the account in a keystore).
        SignHash(account Account, hash []byte) ([]byte, error)

        // SignTx requests the wallet to sign the given transaction.
        // It looks up the account specified either solely via its address contained within,
        // or optionally with the aid of any location metadata from the embedded URL field.
        // If the wallet requires additional authentication to sign the request (e.g.
        // a password to decrypt the account, or a PIN code to verify the transaction),
        // an AuthNeededError instance will be returned, containing infos for the user
        // about which fields or actions are needed. The user may retry by providing
        // the needed details via SignTxWithPassphrase, or by other means (e.g. unlock
        // the account in a keystore).
        SignTx(account Account, tx *types.Transaction, chainID *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

        // SignHashWithPassphrase requests the wallet to sign the given hash with the
        // given passphrase as extra authentication information.
        // It looks up the account specified either solely via its address contained within,
        // or optionally with the aid of any location metadata from the embedded URL field.
        SignHashWithPassphrase(account Account, passphrase string, hash []byte) ([]byte, error)

        // SignTxWithPassphrase requests the wallet to sign the given transaction, with the
        // given passphrase as extra authentication information.
        // It looks up the account specified either solely via its address contained within,
        // or optionally with the aid of any location metadata from the embedded URL field.
        SignTxWithPassphrase(account Account, passphrase string, tx *types.Transaction, chainID *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)


// Backend is a "wallet provider" that may contain a batch of accounts they can
// sign transactions with and upon request, do so.
type Backend interface {
        // Wallets retrieves the list of wallets the backend is currently aware of.
        // The returned wallets are not opened by default. For software HD wallets this
        // means that no base seeds are decrypted, and for hardware wallets that no actual
        // connection is established.
        // The resulting wallet list will be sorted alphabetically based on its internal
        // URL assigned by the backend. Since wallets (especially hardware) may come and
        // go, the same wallet might appear at a different positions in the list during
        // subsequent retrievals.
        Wallets() []Wallet

        // Subscribe creates an async subscription to receive notifications when the
        // backend detects the arrival or departure of a wallet.
        Subscribe(sink chan<- WalletEvent) event.Subscription

{[]uint32}DerivationPath 定义了BIP-32和BIP-44规定的分层确定性钱包地址路径

// DerivationPath represents the computer friendly version of a hierarchical
// deterministic wallet account derivaion path.
// The BIP-32 spec
// defines derivation paths to be of the form:
//   m / purpose' / coin_type' / account' / change / address_index
// The BIP-44 spec
// defines that the `purpose` be 44' (or 0x8000002C) for crypto currencies, and
// SLIP-44 assigns
// the `coin_type` 60' (or 0x8000003C) to Ethereum.
// The root path for Ethereum is m/44'/60'/0'/0 according to the specification
// from, albeit it's not set in stone
// yet whether accounts should increment the last component or the children of
// that. We will go with the simpler approach of incrementing the last component.
type DerivationPath []uint32

3.1.2 TODO 方法实现

3.2 keystore包


3.2.1 结构


type keyStore interface {
        // Loads and decrypts the key from disk.
        GetKey(addr common.Address, filename string, auth string) (*Key, error)
        // Writes and encrypts the key.
        StoreKey(filename string, k *Key, auth string) error
        // Joins filename with the key directory unless it is already absolute.
        JoinPath(filename string) string


type Key struct {
        Id uuid.UUID // Version 4 "random" for unique id not derived from key data
        // to simplify lookups we also store the address
        Address common.Address
        // we only store privkey as pubkey/address can be derived from it
        // privkey in this struct is always in plaintext
        PrivateKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey



type keyStorePassphrase struct {
        keysDirPath string
        scryptN     int
        scryptP     int
        // skipKeyFileVerification disables the security-feature which does
        // reads and decrypts any newly created keyfiles. This should be 'false' in all
        // cases except tests -- setting this to 'true' is not recommended.
        skipKeyFileVerification bool

type keyStorePlain struct {
        keysDirPath string

{struct}keystoreWallet实现了{interface}accounts.Wallet接口。 一个keystore钱包实际上只包含了一个账户

// keystoreWallet implements the accounts.Wallet interface for the original
// keystore.
type keystoreWallet struct {
        account  accounts.Account // Single account contained in this wallet
        keystore *KeyStore        // Keystore where the account originates from


  1. 管理一个私钥如何存储在硬盘文件上(通过绑定的{interface}keyStore)
  2. 管理缓存来避免总是读写文件(通过绑定的{struct}accountCache)
  3. 管理一个ketstore目录下的所有的account
  4. 管理账户的新建导入导出删除等
// KeyStore manages a key storage directory on disk.
type KeyStore struct {
        storage  keyStore                     // Storage backend, might be cleartext or encrypted
        cache    *accountCache                // In-memory account cache over the filesystem storage
        changes  chan struct{}                // Channel receiving change notifications from the cache
        unlocked map[common.Address]*unlocked // Currently unlocked account (decrypted private keys)

        wallets     []accounts.Wallet       // Wallet wrappers around the individual key files
        updateFeed  event.Feed              // Event feed to notify wallet additions/removals
        updateScope event.SubscriptionScope // Subscription scope tracking current live listeners
        updating    bool                    // Whether the event notification loop is running

        mu sync.RWMutex


// accountCache is a live index of all accounts in the keystore.
type accountCache struct {
        keydir   string
        watcher  *watcher
        mu       sync.Mutex
        all      accountsByURL
        byAddr   map[common.Address][]accounts.Account
        throttle *time.Timer
        notify   chan struct{}
        fileC    fileCache

// fileCache是文件变动时间的一个记录
// fileCache is a cache of files seen during scan of keystore.
type fileCache struct {
        all     mapset.Set // Set of all files from the keystore folder
        lastMod time.Time  // Last time instance when a file was modified
        mu      sync.RWMutex

3.2.2 TODO 方法实现

3.3 结构关系图

下面这张图展示来accounts包和keystore包结构体和接口之间的关系: read-go-ethereum-02.png

4 p2p

4.1 discover包



当实例化一个Table的时候,会创建一个 loop() 的goroutine, loop用来管理节点的刷新、验证等工作,下面我整理了下loop的大体逻辑图:


5 其它【待整理】

5.1 go-ethereum 代码阅读笔记



type ChainConfig struct {
        ChainID *big.Int `json:"chainId"` // chainId identifies the current chain and is used for replay protection

        HomesteadBlock *big.Int `json:"homesteadBlock,omitempty"` // Homestead switch block (nil = no fork, 0 = already homestead)

        DAOForkBlock   *big.Int `json:"daoForkBlock,omitempty"`   // TheDAO hard-fork switch block (nil = no fork)
        DAOForkSupport bool     `json:"daoForkSupport,omitempty"` // Whether the nodes supports or opposes the DAO hard-fork

        // EIP150 implements the Gas price changes (
        EIP150Block *big.Int    `json:"eip150Block,omitempty"` // EIP150 HF block (nil = no fork)
        EIP150Hash  common.Hash `json:"eip150Hash,omitempty"`  // EIP150 HF hash (needed for header only clients as only gas pricing changed)

        EIP155Block *big.Int `json:"eip155Block,omitempty"` // EIP155 HF block
        EIP158Block *big.Int `json:"eip158Block,omitempty"` // EIP158 HF block

        ByzantiumBlock      *big.Int `json:"byzantiumBlock,omitempty"`      // Byzantium switch block (nil = no fork, 0 = already on byzantium)
        ConstantinopleBlock *big.Int `json:"constantinopleBlock,omitempty"` // Constantinople switch block (nil = no fork, 0 = already activated)
        PetersburgBlock     *big.Int `json:"petersburgBlock,omitempty"`     // Petersburg switch block (nil = same as Constantinople)
        EWASMBlock          *big.Int `json:"ewasmBlock,omitempty"`          // EWASM switch block (nil = no fork, 0 = already activated)

        // Various consensus engines
        Ethash *EthashConfig `json:"ethash,omitempty"`
        Clique *CliqueConfig `json:"clique,omitempty"`

genesis file


// DefaultGenesisBlock returns the Ethereum main net genesis block.
func DefaultGenesisBlock() *Genesis {
        return &Genesis{
                Config:     params.MainnetChainConfig,
                Nonce:      66,
                ExtraData:  hexutil.MustDecode("0x11bbe8db4e347b4e8c937c1c8370e4b5ed33adb3db69cbdb7a38e1e50b1b82fa"),
                GasLimit:   5000,
                Difficulty: big.NewInt(17179869184),
                Alloc:      decodePrealloc(mainnetAllocData),

// DefaultTestnetGenesisBlock returns the Ropsten network genesis block.
func DefaultTestnetGenesisBlock() *Genesis {
        return &Genesis{
                Config:     params.TestnetChainConfig,
                Nonce:      66,
                ExtraData:  hexutil.MustDecode("0x3535353535353535353535353535353535353535353535353535353535353535"),
                GasLimit:   16777216,
                Difficulty: big.NewInt(1048576),
                Alloc:      decodePrealloc(testnetAllocData),

// DefaultRinkebyGenesisBlock returns the Rinkeby network genesis block.
func DefaultRinkebyGenesisBlock() *Genesis {
        return &Genesis{
                Config:     params.RinkebyChainConfig,
                Timestamp:  1492009146,
                ExtraData:  hexutil.MustDecode("0x52657370656374206d7920617574686f7269746168207e452e436172746d616e42eb768f2244c8811c63729a21a3569731535f067ffc57839b00206d1ad20c69a1981b489f772031b279182d99e65703f0076e4812653aab85fca0f00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"),
                GasLimit:   4700000,
                Difficulty: big.NewInt(1),
                Alloc:      decodePrealloc(rinkebyAllocData),

// DefaultGoerliGenesisBlock returns the Görli network genesis block.
func DefaultGoerliGenesisBlock() *Genesis {
        return &Genesis{
                Config:     params.GoerliChainConfig,
                Timestamp:  1548854791,
                ExtraData:  hexutil.MustDecode("0x22466c6578692069732061207468696e6722202d204166726900000000000000e0a2bd4258d2768837baa26a28fe71dc079f84c70000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"),
                GasLimit:   10485760,
                Difficulty: big.NewInt(1),
                Alloc:      decodePrealloc(goerliAllocData),

core/genesis.g ToBlock方法


合约地址生成算法: Keccak256(rlp([sender,nonce])[12:]

// crypto/crypto.go:74
func CreateAddress(b common.Address, nonce uint64) common.Address {
    data, _ := rlp.EncodeToBytes([]interface{}{b, nonce})
    return common.BytesToAddress(Keccak256(data)[12:])


特别需要注意的是,在EIP1014中提出的另一种生成合约地址的算法。 其目的是为状态通道提供便利,通过确定内容输出稳定的合约地址。 在部署合约前就可以知道确切的合约地址。下面是算法方法:keccak256( 0xff ++ address ++ salt ++ keccak256(init_code))[12:]。
// crypto/crypto.go:81
func CreateAddress2(b common.Address, salt [32]byte, inithash []byte) common.Address {
    return common.BytesToAddress(Keccak256([]byte{0xff}, b.Bytes(), salt[:], inithash)[12:])


// core/state/state_object.go:100
type Account struct {
    Nonce    uint64
    Balance  *big.Int
    Root     common.Hash
    CodeHash []byte

balance 转账相关
// core/evm.go:94
func Transfer(db vm.StateDB, sender, recipient common.Address, amount *big.Int) {
    db.SubBalance(sender, amount)
    db.AddBalance(recipient, amount)
// core/vm/evm.go:191
if !evm.Context.CanTransfer(evm.StateDB, caller.Address(), value) {
    return nil, gas, ErrInsufficientBalance
// core/vm/evm.go:214
evm.Transfer(evm.StateDB, caller.Address(), to.Address(), value)


// core/types/transaction.go:38
type Transaction struct {
    data txdata
    // caches
    hash atomic.Value
    size atomic.Value
    from atomic.Value

type txdata struct {
    AccountNonce uint64
    Price        *big.Int
    GasLimit     uint64
    Recipient    *common.Address
    Amount       *big.Int
    Payload      []byte

    // Signature values
    V *big.Int
    R *big.Int
    S *big.Int

    // This is only used when marshaling to JSON.
    Hash *common.Hash `json:"hash" rlp:"-"`

Transaction 还定义了三个缓存项:交易哈希值(hash)、交易大小(size)和交易发送方(from)。缓存的原因是使用频次高且CPU计算量大。



6 End

Author: Nisen
